Our all-inclusive surgical packages have been designed to match the level of wanted comfort while focusing on everything a customer needs medically.

General Medicine
At RFH Healthcare we see every patient as an individual. Each treatment plan is designed exclusively according to individual needs and wishes.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Our team of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists are hands on in helping address complex issues related to pregnancy, fertility, and any other gynaecological concerns.

At RFH Healthcare we acknowledge that pregnancy, labor, birth, and early parenting are significant events in the life of every mother. Every birth is unique.

Accident & Emergency
Our Accident & Emergency department handles all the emergency cases which come to the hospital and provides emergency medical services.

Pathology & Lab Medicine
We boast of 4 ultra-modern, equipped laboratories with highly experienced staff that serve the need of medical investigations.

Our Intensive Care Unit is equipped and run by a team who have specialized training in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and trauma management.

Our renal unit runs 6 days a week providing much needed support for patients with kidney disyfunction.

With cancer rapidly becoming a leading cause of illness and death in our society, we aim to provide comprehensive care all under one roof.


To ensure unmatched quality service, our dental services are updated with the latest technology and tools available for dental treatment.

We boast of a 24-hour pharmacy across our facilities. Our stock of medicine is thoughtfully sourced in order to handle the varying needs for both inpatient and outpatient prescriptions.

Our Physiotherapy Department provides services for both our inpatient and outpatient clients. Each session includes close nursing care; and additional medical equipment depending on the case such as crutches, walkers, and any other type of equipment to ease your recovery.

Our facility has an ultra-modern set of radiology service systems and we have an up-to-date imaging department with two CT Scans; a 16-Slice CT Scan (capable of dong angio and other sophisticated imageries) and a 64 Slice CT Scan along with diagnostic X-ray, and ultrasound.

In addition to our in-house services, we provide telemedicine services. Virtual consultations with specialists and remote monitoring for chronic conditions ensuring comprehensive care.